
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Today's appt.

Today's appt. went well. Calvin is "vertex" (meaning: head down) and occiput posterior (meaning: his arms and legs are right under my belly button versus facing my spine). He is still very active and his heartrate was great. The doc said that at this point we are "in the clear" and that likely if I delivered that Cal would only need a few days of help in the NICU. He is also believing Calvin to be around 6 lbs... which is great and more the weight of the average baby at 35 weeks. I turn 36 weeks on Saturday and am so thankful for God's sovereignty to keep Cal safe and sound in my belly despite his several attempts to come early. I am feeling well and the nursery is basically in order as well as a car seat is in the Pontiac G6 now. I want to go ahead and pack my bags soon, but keep putting it off and taking naps instead due to sleepiness (which I feel fully justified in doing..lol). So we are in the homestretch. Thanks for the support of each of you who have prayed and/or called. I can not count the numbers of people who have called several times per week asking specifically how myself and Cal are doing catching us at mealtime, nap-time, and throughout the day. The support has shown true love to us and we all thank you for the kindness of your support.
As far as everything else going on right now there are a few special prayer requests as we are praying which way to go as far as Jon requests with the military on where to live and/or renewing to stay in at all. We believe God has a path for our little family and it is really just a matter now of seeking God's guidance on what *HE* (God) wants most of all. We covet your prayers regarding that as it is always a question in the military families' mind (with safety/war issues and more) and even more so on years where the prior obligation has been fulfilled and the officer is up for either being able to get out or stay in. The Lord is Sovereign though and we believe he will guide us just as he has done all along on our paths thusfar. It's just a matter of seeking God's face on the issue and doing what is best for our family. We appreciate your support of prayer in this matter and are thankful that God will lead us as his children.