
Sunday, April 27, 2008

Three Weeks of Bliss

So, Praise God, that "bliss" does come for some in pregnancy. Of course, most people know that I have had a fairly hard pregnancy thus far. Jon has handled it well, but I (on the other hand) have not "enjoyed" it until about 3 weeks ago. The pain from my Thoracic Outlet Syndrome has gone away. I am not so sure why unless the fact that Calvin sits strait out in front of me has anything to do with the relief of pressure off my clavicles and upper-most ribs. Either way- I am quite thankful. Next on the schedule is a blood glucose challenge test tomorrow to check for gestational diabetes. This is done for all pregnant women around the 26-28 week time frame. I turned 27 weeks yesterday and thus the test will be tomorrow. I am getting very sleepy this weekend for some reason. I have been sleeping well the last three weeks with the TOS relief and only waking between 2- 5 times per night which is very normal for me anyway and much more easy to handle than the prior 8-14 times per night. I can feel Calvin move so much more than before as he is starting to get much larger. One website I read today says that he is the size of a head of cauliflower...which is just funny to think about, but definitly helps others to better understand. He should weigh about 2 lbs and be about 14 and 1/2 inches long. His eyes should be open now and if he were to deliver early, it is quite safe for him to come into the world now as the lungs have been excreting surfactant for about 3 weeks now. The only new symptoms have been leg related as the uterus and Calvin sit on my leg "outlets" for blood and nerve flow. Thus, I have Sciatica in my right leg (when I stand), as well as leg cramps and Restless Leg Syndrome at night in bed. It seems like a never- ending amt of symptoms sometimes, but as my doctor said, it is the changes and variety of multiple symptoms at a time that overwhelms the pregnant women as her body must ever evolve to compensate for a quickly growing life inside. I am VERY happy, though, as it does not involve nausea (my most hated of all symptoms) and/or the TOS(my second most hated symptom). TOS is very painful to the biceps, fingers, arms, neck muscles and chest wall. I pray that it stays away.

I just wanted to pass along the update. Calvin seems to be quite happy en-utero as he is frequently moving and jumping. He is so cute now cause he can hear when I talk and sing and can get startled at a loud noise. When he can't calm down enough for me to sleep at night, I ask Jon to put his hand on my belly and help him to relax. Jon has the magic touch. I presume it's because his hands are warm and heavy, but for a long time (between weeks 14- 23) Jon never felt Calvin move as I did because everytime he would place his hand on my belly, Calvin would calm down. The first time Jon actually felt him, Jon stated that it felt as if he had kirate drop kicked me. I laughed as I knew that was one of Calvin's much smaller "kicks" and explained that when he does that to certain organs that it is not so fun. A couple of weeks later (week 25), Jon and I were watching something on his lap-top PC and Calvin distracted my eyes with a jump or kick that made my belly move. "Jon!...Look!", was my statement at that point. And as soon as Jon looked again my belly moved for both of us to see and looked as if something the size of a tennis ball had bounced onto the inside of my skin, and quickly.

Calvin is on a very certain schedule. When he is asleep I can fall asleep and that is about every half hour that he sleeps. He wakes after about a half hour of sleep as well, so it is my prerogative to wait in bed until he calms down(in his own sleep rotation) to even attempt to close my eyes as it is a pointless effort otherwise. Once asleep, with pillows propped against my stomach to prevent so much freedom for this little boy, I am blessed by God to be so sleepy from hormones to "make it" until about 3 am, when he must start to get some glucose going again and wakes me for my "morning bathroom" break (which is always subsequent to a nice kick in the bladder). LOL. I am happy to meet him one day and somewhat aware of how much he may have this same energy outside of the womb as inside. So I am mentally preparing for some sleepless nights ahead as well.

Our church members have blessed us with many items for Calvin and the nursery. Being military, we are happy and appreciative for any help we are offered and do not require brand new items in the least.. though I have done a lot of research to make sure the items have not been recalled or had any defective problems. We hope to continue to see God's blessings as he had blessed us with this sweet child and so much more along this journey. I am so thankful for His Covenantal Provision to us (His children) in bringing our son to be and so far(to the best of our knowledge) to be healthy. We are so thankful and look forward to the upcoming last 13 weeks here as we prepare the nursery and our home for a sweet arrival, Lord Willing (as we try to always say and think).

Here's a pic of me at 25 weeks and of Bogart getting a bath. I love this dog. :)
So cute! LOL.