
Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Just to let everyone know.....and I apologize on the wait for telling you about this: Well,.. we have switched to Facebook.

Obviously, this site is a nice place to come and keep up with us, but after having Calvin, it was obvious to me that I needed a new(and easier) avenue for updating friends. Now we realize that not all of you are "facebookers", so if you are not and you would like to be updated by way of e-mail, please make a comment of it on here so that we may add you to our e-mail list...which will have FB pics on it and my personal messages. The amount of html it takes to "write" this page into looking like something nice and fun (versus the basic sampler) is quite annoying to have to do and is quite cumbersome. We prefer to spend that time with each other and our son.

So, my e-mail is amynelsonrn@yahoo.com and you may write to us anytime to add you to our list of updates if you prefer and are not on facebook. If you are on FB, here is my profile badge with my full name on it and (if Jon or I know you),... we'll add you.

Amy 'Fortner' Nelson's Facebook profile">

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Three months old yesterday and pics from the last posting...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

One month old tomorrow!!

I can't believe one full month has passed since Cal was born. It has been a long month for me with recovery, but little Cal is doing very well and as cute as ever and I am starting to feel much better as well. Here are some more pics from recently so you can see how much he's grown!! Enjoy!

Here are some older ones too!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Pics....sorry for the wait! :) Still recovering here.

Grandma N,... My hat and booties did not fit. The Doctor says that my head is too big! LOL! But the sweater made it as a "going-home outfit" though it was in the 90's that day. We just drove 5 minutes to the house...but we got a few pictures for you of it. :) We'll send you (by e-mail) the other pics of Cal in it.

Hope you all enjoy the pics. As you can tell from the pics, Jon and both are a little out of it still, but I am now off of the narcotics as the spinal headache has gone away and the incision and mastitis pain is bearable with ibuprofen now. Praise the Lord for that. We are getting by with the help of "Nana" as well as that the church is providing meals to us three times per week. We are so thankful. It has taken all that is in us to keep up with all the meds I have been on along with his frequent feedings (Calvin had jaundice) as well as the diaper changing swaddling and other immediate needs. We are just so thankful that the house is not a wreck as it likely would have been otherwise. Thank you to those of you who are from the church and to the Croskreys for the meals this last week. We have been so blessed as eating out would have not been an option at all. Thanks so much and Have a Great Day!

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Welcome to our world. :) We love you Calvin.

This is the current link to a Birth Announcement. When I am not on three narcotics, I will post more pics and info soon!

Welcome Calvin Freeman Nelson!!!
7lbs 14 oz
20 inches long
light brown hair
currently blue eyes
Looks the "spitting image" of Daddy.


All are in good health though Mama is tired and hhas had a good bit of complications with a spinal headached since delivery amongst other needs. We covet and appreciate any prayers. Thank you for your support. More pics will likely be posted in the a.m.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Prayer Requests

I figured while waiting that I would post a list of prayer requests as our sermon this week was about boldly approaching the throne of grace. Here are a few of (I'm sure) many that you can join our family in praying for:

1) a safe delivery of Calvin
2) that Calvin will be healthy
3) that Amy will be healthy during and after the delivery process
4) that pain will be minimal for Amy
5) for a good and quick recovery for Amy
6) for Jon involving his "support" and "coaching" role
7) for preparation to be complete
8) good communication amongst ourselves and the medical team
9) for a (Lord Willing) soon recovery
10) for Jon's work needs to be met prior to and after the delivery as well
11) for all of us to get rest upon coming home from the hospital
12) for provision for Bogart during all of this

Thanks for all the support we have seen and received due to this website. We may not always know you are watching (though many of you tell me so on Facebook)....Nonetheless, we know we are blessed with many dear friends. Thanks for any prayers and support during this time.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

For The First Few Months....

So, it has come to my attention, from several new mothers, that strangers in public not only like to touch your preggo belly (Thankfully has only happened once here in the "cold" North), but also love to touch babies of strangers in public.

Let me first say that most of our friends have been very understanding when I asked them not to stand too close to me when they were sick as I kept getting sick throughout my pregnancy (3 colds, bronchitis, and an upper respiratory infection to be exact).

But a recent stranger "touching scare" shared by my friend (we'll call her KT) has made me aware that this is a serious issue. In her situation, her one year old was soundly sleeping in the shopping cart, and a stranger grabbed her baby's face and said "Wake up Baby, Wake Up!!". KT grabbed her hand and moved her away and then the lady mentioned that she noticed the baby to not be strapped in. This is classic abductor-type observation that the lady mentioned here. Most people will not make a personal mental note of whether your child is strapped in or not. Nonetheless, it scared the **** out of KT and of course, would have been considered "unwanted touch" and therefor a technical "assualt" on the child by this stranger in public.

After hearing this story, I felt sick to my stomach for the last few days and have decided when out in public, to keep Cal's car seat covered as much as possible and with a sign on the seat similar to the one above.

But after thinking on this, being the nurse that I am; it has dawned on me that I ought to share own "home rules" on our website for our Little One's soon-to-be delivery. These are values well thought out by ourselves and we ask that others just be respectful of them.

1) When desiring to come to our home to see ourselves and Calvin,... please call first. I have no clue what medical condition *any* of us will be in and may not even be able answer the door at all. I don't want anyone to waste gas or effort to have to be turned away.

2) Please be aware that we prefer not to have young children in our home for quite some time at all. It's just our desire right now. It would not be our desire for you to arrive to our home with young children in tow.

3) Know that we will provide hand sanitizer at all times for people without sickness to hold or touch Calvin, but prefer that he not be touched without first handwashing in some form. This is just (as the title herein says)for the first few months. Afterwhich, the sanitizer/hand washing will not be a priority unless the other person really is sick.

4) If you see signs on our car seat asking for you to look and not touch (as shown above)... these are because the situation with KT opened our eyes to the amt of ignorant people that really do scare parents in public. We know these signs are for the general public... but we may not take the sign off the carrier out of convenience.

5) Lastly,.... Please bear with me as I attempt to type this as I have only a couple of weeks left, am still hormonal, and will ALWAYS be... a Nurse.

****Since being pregnant some persons have attempted to argue or criticize my views on several topics of pregnancy/child-rearing like: diet, breastfeeding, diapering, scheduling and the like. Many people thinking my more conservative views to be because I am the more "tightly wound" personality. Nonetheless, please do not ask me to change my views and/or criticise me for my requests in these areas. The views above are based on my years of *actual* medical practice. To some they are liberal,... to some people they seem legalistic. The thing that we need most right now is support for us new parents and the opportunity to experience raising our son as we want and desire. Unless, you see us terribly damaging our child... please do not think that criticisms/challenges are welcomed. We already question enough what kind of parents we will be like as, it seems, all new parents do... and it may be that your lack of encouragement may be seen as a lack of love for us...instead of helpfulness. I'm sure that to not be true for most people, but it is still hurtful nonetheless. Just being honest here. If we are concerned and want more information on Calvin's healthcare/physical needs this first year...we will ask, of course.

We know our actual friends and family will understand these requests and be willing to show courtesy.

Thank you for your understanding...and for those of you reading... if you like, here is an article that speaks to touching babies hands and so forth as well. I do not, in the least, expect other to take up my particular views on such things involving medicine and babies just because I am a nurse.... and it is true that I research many areas of medicine and often. If you want to know more about the topic of germs....read on... otherwise, of course I will not ask you to follow my own convictions.

On topics other than the physical needs of our baby, I will often be at a loss and love your input as I ask for it. It's just that in these.. I am likely not to change unless the research changes.


Thanks again.