
Thursday, February 28, 2008

Not Carpal Tunnel

So the doctor says that I have pregnancy-induced Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. He says that CTS does not have pain that goes up to the biceps like mine does, but that TOS has pain that shoots down from the biceps all the way to the fingers along with similar numbing. Evidentally when I sleep on my arms at all it cuts off circulation to my arms and pinches all the nerves as well. Thus he approved me to sleep on my back until week 26... I am at week 19 now. So this is great. Last night I slept on my back and only woke up once... which is amazing for me. The rash is still being determined,.... they are testing me for a thing called Fifths Disease and as long as that comes back negative tomorrow then we will assume that it is due to new-onset eczema. Ah, the North! So hope this helps to update those listening and hope to have great news in the future that the TOS goes away after delivery.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I love you, but "You're Killin' Me".

So this morning, I was working at the computer some and I guess Calvin got comfortable in the sitting position that I was in because as soon as I got up, he started moving rapidly. My whole front and right side of my body started having pains of him rubbing his head around and then followed by shooting pain. I almost fell on the floor! No kidding. The doctors have always thought I may have some endometriosis which can build up a lot of scar tissue. Thus, his moving around a lot started ricketing pain all over. It took about five minutes and me holding my belly asking "What are you doing in there?" for it to finally settle down. I'm afraid every organ may be damaged before this is all over with!! Seriously, I have never had such strange symptoms accompanied by pain before. So I guess my new prayer request is that I can make it through this pregnancy. lol. I also have symptoms of horrible carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands and arms(or pinched nerves). When I lie down at night, I can not lie on either side as my arms become extremely painful from the bicep down to my fingers.... so I am also having to be creative to figure out how I am supposed to lie in the bed???? This basically means that right now, I do not know how to. lol. So pray for my health and also the baby to not hurt me too bad in the process.
PS- He's 7 ounces and about 7 inches long now.

Update: I have been reading that pregnancy-induced carpal tunnel is pretty common and very painful. It sometimes requires acupuncture, massage, and/or surgery to help during the pregnancy.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Most Recent Ultrasound Pics

This is our favorite of the many ultrasound pics that we were blessed to receive. His profile is so handsome.

Two Sweet Feet!

This is tilted a little to see his spine a little better.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

It's A Boy!!

Calvin Nelson

Due July 27th, 2008

Friday, February 15, 2008

18 Weeks / 4 Month Preggie Pics: The Belly.

I will add some more soon. :) Love. Me.
