
Thursday, December 27, 2007

Arrival Expected July 27th, 2008 First Class Delivery!

So yes! After one year of being married we are blessed to announce the news of our first child-to-be. We found out in mid-November that I am expecting and we have been so excited as we had been praying for us to conceive since August. It has been a rough ten weeks for me with every symptom in the book. Worst have been fatigue and nausea that have been constant since week 4 and have not let up. We are currently at fetal week 10. Our baby developed from an embryo to a fetus recently and should soon start to be getting his/her own hormone production from the placenta versus my body and after which point I should start to feel better. He/She is over 1.5 inches long and has developed all major organs fingers, and toes. The baby's heart beat was already developed by week 7, but we will hear the first sounds on Doppler around week 12 which is coming up the first week of January.

It was an exciting Christmas time for my family as we were able to travel to SC to visit them this Christmas. Their considerateness and love were so evident as even our extended family made sure that my brother's wife and my cousin's wife (who are also expecting) and I were taken care of at the holiday meal, making sure we had decaffeinated sweet tea in plenteous amounts and made sure our prime rib was cooked well by my uncle so as to prevent listeria. Our aunts took pictures of the three pregnant girls and our bellies and I received my first baby present (a nice new baby diaper bag with preppy patterns and styles just like I like!) for my birthday present. It was such a joyous and sweet time! My Aunt Becky gave everyone special books that she thought of for each person and and she wrote a note in the front of each one to all 18 of us! We also all spoke of Grandma and Grandpa quite a bit, missing them and engulfing the desserts of cheesecake, red velvet cake, and caramel cake that Grandma always used to make.
Christmas at Mom's was sweet with lots of gameplaying with Brad and Mom and dinners with Chris as well as Christmas decorations galore. The house looked beautiful and so inviting. At Dad and Joyce's, we visited Mrs. Garrett's (Joyce's mom) home for homecookin' lunch and also Dad and Joyce and the kids all exchanged presents... with Baby Wilson getting his own gifts. He is due February 15th!! Leah is adorable. Leah and I got surprise gifts from Joyce from a baby store of her sister-in-law as Jon picked out a very colorful peacock toy and I picked out a bib.... Joyce gave us a diapee and wipee keeper for the new diaper bag. The store was beautiful and opened just for us personally.

Back to the baby! We are still unsure if our insurance will pay for more than one ultrasound and since we both want to know the gender we are fine with waiting until the 18th week to find out if necessary, although we were hoping even have one at 12 weeks as well. We will continue to keep you all posted as we hear any developing news and are just so thankful to the Lord for our little family!